De voorgaande Uncharted games zagen er graphics schitterend uit, volgens de lead character artist van Uncharted 4, Frank Tzengi, ziet Uncharted 4 er graphics bijna net zo mooi uit als de CGI in films, dit laat hij aan CgmasterAcademy weten.
“Game quality is really close to film right now, look at the stuff we do in Naughty Dog. This character, I’m telling you guys, this character can easily be a digital double in a film. Based on the quality, the detail, the blend shape, the colour, everything that we put on the character [Uncharted’s Nathan Drake] this is basically a film character to me. So to me, videos games are getting really close to film quality, and this is exactly what I wanted to do.”
“As we have more powerful consoles coming out, so right now we have PS4, it’s definitely more powerful than PS3 and that enables to put more polygons, you know, using more high-res maps and get more resolutions in a game, making more expressions making more blend shapes and wrinkle maps. All of this is getting us one step closer to the film quality that we wanted for the game industry and I think in a few years we can definitely get there.”
Bekijk het complete interview van een uur hieronder.
Uncharted 4 verschijnt eind dit jaar exclusief voor Playstation 4.